Sunday, January 23, 2011

Catching up ( October – November )

Here are some pictures of the GE Party that John and I hosted right here at the Copthorne. The staff did a remarkable job from set up to food.  We hired a band  and enjoyed getting to know other GE employees in Kuwait.  Even the partners from Hyndai joined us.  Those with families here in the region brought their little ones…we painted and played with play doh

Ge 6

                The beginning of November we planted our garden.

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We have been eating lettuce and peppers…..5 green beans and there are many unripe tomatoes…..that we are patiently waiting for!

THANKSGIVING….was low key for us…..I was able to purchase a butterball turkey and cook the traditional foods…..even found cranberry sauce!  We invited Keith and Christy to join us for our little feast.

Keith and John

Christy and Deb