Tuesday, November 23, 2010


That is the name and the spelling of the bird we saw in our backyard.

We had no idea what this was….but quietly tried following him to get these pictures.



bird in yard

After describing him to a friend she identified him as the Hoopoe bird….so then I went on line and found these great pictureshoopoe-168 hoopoe-xxximg_8141mw


I so want to see him with the feathers opened up on his head.  Pretty cute don’t you think????

Monday, November 22, 2010

Riding down the highway….

 Camels in truck

For this reason, I don’t leave the house without my camera! 


in the street

goats in the street

We had just left the mall parking garage, and had to stop for sheep and goats herded across the street.


Keeps us smiling and shaking our heads!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Scuba,our latest adventure

My silent mantra as I went through the textbook and took the tests.Scuba Class 1

Scuba Class 1

Diving is FUN


Scuba Pool 2

All geared up for the pool dive, finally after all that studying.


Scuba Pool

Ramey and Moustafa the instructors.

The dive was exhilarating..even if only in the pool.  I was excited..

 Scuba Boat Trip 1 BDiving is FUN 

Scuba Boat Trip 1D

Day one of Open Water Instruction…..we had to sit on the edge of the boat and fall in backwards……that was the easy part, climbing up the ladder with all the gear AND tank wasn’t so easy.  My legs felt like Jell-O and I kept saying to myself I can’t believe I just did this….Not only did we learn to take our mask off and put back on, clear it of water, simulate the tank is out of air and buddy breathe, but we saw fish….really cool fish…

Scuba Boat Trip 2A

Remember  Diving is FUN


Day Two of Open Water Instruction I wasn’t looking too excited.  The water was pretty choppy so the boat was a rocking….and so was my stomach. None the less, I managed to get my new dive suit on….and at this point just wanting to get this over with.  Once in the water, sea sickness sensation stopped and we learned to use the compass underwater and pull someone to safety…and got to see many new fish as well as a sunken ship.  Once back on board, my stomach continued to rock with the boat so I found a comfy place till we were back on shore.

Scuba Boat Trip 2C

John and I really did this together, although there is a lack of a pictures of him…..Taking care of myself on that boat and in the water seemed to be a tremendous responsibility, let alone think of a camera. 


Scuba Cert Both

Well here we are….PADI Scuba Diving Certified!  We did it!!

and yes

  Diving IS Fun

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mourning is…..

a necessary part of the human experience.


A death in the family leaves a void that cannot be filled. No one can ever take the place of this individual in the world.

             Dad Pfeiffer passed away in his sleep last night in his own bed!

That’s the way he wanted it!  He celebrated his 90th birthday this year and was able to attend a family wedding with the entire family present.

He loved living!  He loved his family of three children, their spouses, his eight grandchildren and their spouses and his 13 great grandchildren and he still loved me.   

            I am flooded with memories of you tonight;  bringing smiles, and even laughter with my tears. It is true…..no one can ever take your place in this world.  You will be sorely missed by all who knew you!  I love you, so much dad!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

An Invitation…..

Korean Invitation_NEW

 On the occasion of the National Foundation Day

and the Armed Forces Day

The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea and Mrs... MOON Young Han

Request the pleasure of your company

at a Reception on Wednesday, October 13, 2010

19:00-21:00 hrs.

Crowne Plaza Hotel                                                       Regrets Only

Al -Andalous Ballroom

 Please present this invitation card at the entrance





GE’s partner for this project is the Korean Company, Hyundai.  Throughout this year, I have had the distinct pleasure to with my husband and his Korean colleagues.  Thus, the connection of our receiving the above invitation.   I will confess….I got  a wee bit nervous to be attending an Embassy function.  Thee most important….what does one wear to such a function…….When I would ask around….the answer always seemed the same……anything….from gowns to suits to dress pants….well those that know me, know clothes shopping isn’t one of my favorite things to do…….quite a dilemma, because I do like wearing new clothes and like dressing up….

The ballroom at the Crowne was beautiful,, lots of scrumptious Korean food to nibble on and then mingle, mingle, mingle….a fun night!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

“Let there be many windows to your soul, that all the glory of the world may beautify it.”

                                                          - Ella Wheeler Wilcox



























Venice, a romantic city, something Cath and I both knew we wanted to see!!!  But really didn’t know why til after spending a couple days there!  It is  located in northern Italy.  It is built on over 100 islands!!!!

Numerous foot bridges connect the city and only three cross the main canal.   It is thee most unique city I’ve ever seen.


Water is the main form of transportation  to and around Venice.  As we road in the gondola is when the realization of what that means.  Every thing in and out of the city by boat.  There were garbage boats, water taxis, ambulance boats, police boats,  cargo boats…and they and the canals are narrow, so  none of these boats is big. The only way you can directly reach Venice Hotels  is by water taxi. I don’t think any of us understood that !!!!   We had programmed in the GPS the hotel address…..and it only took us as far as the lagoon…we circled around and tried again and then it dawned on us….so we parked the car and then hoofed it across bridges, in and around crowded streets til we found the little alley way to the hotel!

Venice, a quaint, old, eccentric, alive, beautiful place to visit!!!


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                                             Ambulance and Water Taxi


                                        Sisters enjoying a walk ……..

The last evening we had dinner along the canal…..John and I took in a concert and a late night water taxi back to the hotel.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Castello del Trebbio in the heart of Tuscany

was built in 1184  by the Pazzi family.  It  is surrounded by olive groves and vineyards and is one of the longest inhabited castles.IMG_1301

                                      It is here when I knew I was in love with







We learned that “Chianti” is the name of the region, not the wine.

At the Castello del Trebbio, they use 100% Sangiovese grapes.

We were treated to a couple different wines as well as a taste of their  Virgin olive oil pressed right there. 


This area is all that I had dreamed and hoped it would be….