Sunday, November 7, 2010


Venice, a romantic city, something Cath and I both knew we wanted to see!!!  But really didn’t know why til after spending a couple days there!  It is  located in northern Italy.  It is built on over 100 islands!!!!

Numerous foot bridges connect the city and only three cross the main canal.   It is thee most unique city I’ve ever seen.


Water is the main form of transportation  to and around Venice.  As we road in the gondola is when the realization of what that means.  Every thing in and out of the city by boat.  There were garbage boats, water taxis, ambulance boats, police boats,  cargo boats…and they and the canals are narrow, so  none of these boats is big. The only way you can directly reach Venice Hotels  is by water taxi. I don’t think any of us understood that !!!!   We had programmed in the GPS the hotel address…..and it only took us as far as the lagoon…we circled around and tried again and then it dawned on us….so we parked the car and then hoofed it across bridges, in and around crowded streets til we found the little alley way to the hotel!

Venice, a quaint, old, eccentric, alive, beautiful place to visit!!!


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                                             Ambulance and Water Taxi


                                        Sisters enjoying a walk ……..

The last evening we had dinner along the canal…..John and I took in a concert and a late night water taxi back to the hotel.


Anonymous said...

The question..."Where oh where is Grammy?"... always comes to mind when I read the captured moments from these adentures.

I hope your adventures spur the minds and hearts of your children, grandchildren and many great- grandchildren to come.