Neither of us are big city fans. Seeing Paris was a treat....its old, has history and is very alive and vibrant. And pretty much a day and a half was enough for us. We were extremely proud of ourselve that we managed to find the subway and get on the one actually going in the direction we wanted to go to the Eiffel tower and see the sights. A sightseeing bus was pay one price and get off and on as we liked. It was perfect. We rode on top of a double decker bus outside, and there were headphones to plug into the talk given as we drove around Paris . Our cameras were clicking, our fingers pointing and our mouths were open wide in awe. Every so often one of us said....."Can you believe we are here in Paris???"
We bought paintings from an artist outside of the Louvre, ate at outdoor cafes and walked til our feet hurt. Time to find our way back to the subway. Well neither Pam or I are that exceptional in the area of direction. Thats why we had a GPS...however, she was left back with the car. After walking several blocks in one direction, we finally noticed that nothing looked familar. How can that be??? We got off at the ARC and took the road to the left. Well, there is more than one road to the left. Twelve to be exact.
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