Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mourning is…..

a necessary part of the human experience.


A death in the family leaves a void that cannot be filled. No one can ever take the place of this individual in the world.

             Dad Pfeiffer passed away in his sleep last night in his own bed!

That’s the way he wanted it!  He celebrated his 90th birthday this year and was able to attend a family wedding with the entire family present.

He loved living!  He loved his family of three children, their spouses, his eight grandchildren and their spouses and his 13 great grandchildren and he still loved me.   

            I am flooded with memories of you tonight;  bringing smiles, and even laughter with my tears. It is true… one can ever take your place in this world.  You will be sorely missed by all who knew you!  I love you, so much dad!


Cupcake Dessert said...

I am so sorry for your loss.

Amy Jo said...

I'm sorry that you had to mourn alone in Kuwait, but I know you had many years of memories to think about dear Grandpa. He sure was the greatest guy around!