Friday, June 18, 2010


 is a small French village 80 km to the west of the capital city Paris, within the valley of the river Seine and the northern region of Haute-Normandie. 

Claude Monet noticed the village of Giverny while looking out of a train window. He made up his mind to move there with his second wife and 8 children to rent a house and the area surrounding it In 1890 he had enough money to buy the house and land outright and set out to create the magnificent gardens he wanted to paint. Some of his most famous paintings, such as his water lily and Japanese bridge paintings, were of his garden in Giverny.

 Ancien Hotel Baudy

The history of the Baudy family and American painters goes back to the summer of 1886.  Painters had to decide where to go for the summer months when studios and academies were closed. Metcalf was enchanted by the scenery of wide meadows, the valley of the Epte River and of the foot hills covered with orchards, vineyards, and fields of grain. With fellow painters; Breck, Taylor, Blair-Bruce and Wendel. the American painters persuaded the Baudys to buld a studio.Neither the Baudys nor their clients were rich, but the idea excited them. The studio was erected in 1887, the year when the guest register began. Then was born the hotel for painters, the true Hôtel Baudy. additions. It grew little by little. In 1888 the outbuildings were added, and the essential part of the main building was built In 1891 Upstairs in the main house there were two studios.
Painters, sculptors, art historians and travelers came most often they came to paint for the entire season.
The strong natural light of the valley, constantly transformed the landscape, which was one of the most interesting attractions of Giverny.
(information gleaned from Claire Joyces)

Oh how I enjoyed my visit with the master in his own surroundings!



Carolyn Abrams said...

Surprisingly there are few if any people around. how exciting to have all this to yourselves!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures Deb! Wish I had been there with you. What an inspiring tour!