Sunday, September 19, 2010

Kareem Salama Concert and Viewing of the Documentary

The Advocate for Westerners-Arab Relations center is a non-profit, non-governmental, and non-political organization working for promoting positive, constructive relations between Westerners and Arabs by organizing social activities and information services related to Arab and Islamic culture. 

I know I have mentioned the AWARE Center back in March describing the filming of the documentary we took part.  Well, the event finally arrived in May.  It was presented as part of the program concert, with Kareem Salama

This was our first viewing of the documentary.  So we were very excited. 

Debbie night of concert 

There was special seating arrangements up front for those who participated.  VIPS at the Concert











GE guys at concert Some of the guys from GE came.


Kareem Salama is an Egyptian America musician. He is known as the first American Muslim country music singer. His music is a hybrid of country, pop, and rock music.DSCN0096











One of the VIP’s of the evening was Ambassador to the US, Deborah Jones.Debbie and Ambassador JonesA fun evening!