Sunday, September 19, 2010

Last day of Lebanon

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Pretty watercolor postcards that I got at the gift shop of one of the wineries we visited in Lebanon called

 Chateau Kefraya

This was the rest and peace and the place we took in the quietness

and beauty

of nature.

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We enjoyed the wine, the walks and a lovely lunch out on the terrace.


We visited a winery closer to the cityIMG_NEW_0003 and visited the most amazing natural caves/wine cellarIMG_0002_NEW_0001


We took in some museums

IMG_0004_NEW     with a hands on try at crushing coffee beans

IMG_0007_NEW_0001And our last stop on the sightseeing list was the Beiteddine.

“House of Faith”

It is the palace of Emir Bechir Chehab II.  Built in 1812.  It reflects the typical oriental architecture of the 19th century.  Today it is a major tourist attraction


of Lebanon. The Palace Museum shows many   Canninite works of art, traditional costumes and jewelry as well as a wide collection of Middle Ages arms.   John like that area best and I spent my time checking out the dresses and jewelry.  What we both loved seeing was the glamourous arcades and multicolred mosaic floors….and especially the lovely gardens outside.

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This was a three day get a way, packed with seeing as much as we could but also spent some relaxing moments taking it all in.  Visiting Lebanon was a pleasant surprise for us and we are happy to have learned and   experienced a bit more here in the Middle East.


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