Well, to my delight, my driver delivered me to the meeting right on time. The whole way I was trying to capture street names and highways and landmarks to tell John, because he was coming for me in the afternoon. Well for one thing, honestly unless it is a McDonalds, or Burger King,….all the buildings and native landmarks….sort of look the same to me. Besides, who really can concentrate on landmarks when you are frightened for you life driving in this city! And I wasn’t driving, only watching and it confirmed to me why I had a driver!!!
I felt at home as soon as I was seated. The room was filled with 40 women who are passionate quilters, artists and designers of fabric and paints from all over the world . I was greeted by an American from Colorado , a woman from Venezuela, another from England and Germany, and India and Canada and Saudi Arabia. Oh my gosh…..I was in awe…..of what I was experiencing. I joined the group and signed up for workshops and you know…I am so glad I packed my sewing machine….and quilting supplies. There are upcoming events; shopping at fabric souks and garden parties to look forward to. After exchanging emails and phone numbers and receiving many tips on living in Kuwait from the experienced expats, I headed out front to wait for John. Thinking there is no way he really will be able to find me. So, I thought I will call him and have someone give him directions…..only my phone wouldn’t work….it needed a pin #….I wasn’t told about a pin #…my phone is broke, and all my numbers are in the phone…so, I can’t call John. But I could call the manager of our housing( I had his business card)…oh he will send a driver, no, he doesn't know John’s number, but don’t worry we will find you. My new friends gathered around to witness my saga, and to keep me company until I was found. An hour later, I am apologizing and embarrassed and trying to send them on their way, when JOHN pulls up in front. How did you get here?……I’m so glad to see you…..what’s wrong with your phone….oh call off the driver, goodbye new friends…see you next week….MAN, did they have to know how I am so soon????? No matter where I go….some things will always stay the same…..Guess it’s good they know right up front.
I am so happy you met some new friends! That is a funny story about your phone! I am glad John finally found you!!!! I can't wait to see some of the neat things you will make! Love you :) ~ Colleen
Oh so funny! Your new friends will love getting to know you and all your crazy mishaps!! Love you, Cath
I'm glad they stayed with you!! My stomach would have been in knots...
The debster strikes again! This is why we LOVE you....you always get through the mess and find the Bright Side! hugs, laurie m.
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