Focus…..its pretty much not a word in my vocabulary. My head can be turned so very easily to anything to do with art. And if it’s something new, or different, or I’ve never heard of before, it is almost certain I want to know more, try it, sign up for a class spend the money and do it!….that's it….I want to learn and do it all. So it only stands to reason that when Diana’s dye class was announced I was the first to sign up. How cool is that? Dye your own fabric to be used in a quilt you make? She provided the white cotton cloth and had all the dye supplies to create 13 yards of vibrant colorful cotton. We mixed our dyes with careful intent, scrunched each piece and put it in plastic bags (in order to take home with us). After 24 hours, they were washed and dried and turned out like this. Gosh, next I could pick the cotton and learn to spin it….hmmmmm
Today, at the quilt meeting we received the return of the fat quarter exchange…….endless possibilities…added to my stash.
Deb - have you thought about growing the cotton first? - no need to limit yourself to just picking it!! love, linda
growing cotton...think I can google how to do that? lol
Okay, picking cotton...I could really see you doing that!! You are too funny! Love ya, Cath
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